So Thankful

It seems appropriate to share my first post on a day set aside for thanks and giving. It’s an odd holiday. Thanksgiving. For many it means family barbeques, turkey roast, football games and laying on the couch all day. To others it means oppression, unclean water, racism and stripped human rights. Either way it’s usually a day off work with plenty of time to reflect and explore all these topics (and you should).

I spent the day with close friends and attended my first vegan Thanksgiving. It was fantastic. Being a gluten-free pescatarian I was stoked to be able to eat everything on the table for a change. I didn’t have a long time to prepare a dish so I bought a pineapple and sliced it in half lengthwise. I left half of the pineapple skin intact and scooped out the rest with a knife and spoon. It was very juicy! I turned it upside down over a bowl to drain the extra juice then filled it with the pineapple chunks and red grapes. Voilà! A simple fruit bowl contained in itself. And it was a hit at the party!

Happy Thanksgiving!
